Introducing a new Land of Le Beef segment: Six Things Happening in My LIfe Right Now
1. This summer my wife and daughter and I moved from Hong Kong to Vancouver. Since being here I have re-established my love of trees and mountains.
2. I have been growing my hair out for the past year or so. I don’t have any plans for how long I’m going to let it grow; I’m just going to enjoy the journey and see where it takes me. Part of me has always wanted long hair.
3. My neighbour offered to lend me his stepladder so that I can install an electric door opener in my garage.
4. Madeline (my daughter) has been getting very close to taking her first steps. She also just learned how to wave, and she loves dancing to funky music.
5. Most of my electronics don’t fit in Canadian outlets. I might try pounding them in with a hammer. (update: I went to Chinatown and finally found some adaptors. Life is a little bit better now)
6. I bought a composting bin. It lives at the end of my lawn, and loves it when dump my food scraps in his mouth. We have a good relationship.